• 埃德斯塔福德的赤裸放逐

  • 状态:共3集全
  • 类型:冒险 真人秀
  • 主演:Ed Stafford
  • 首播时间:2013-03-10
  • 地区:英国

简介:d Stafford is undertaking an extreme survival challenge. He'll be washed up naked and alone on a desert island, south east of Fiji, with only his brain, bare hands, and a camera to keep him alive. He'll take no food, water, clothes, knife or tools, so from the moment he arrives he is on an extraordinary race to stay alive. As man can only last three days without water and three weeks without food, Ed will attempt to survive on the island physically and mentally, for 60 days.Ed will have to use what the uninhabited island has to offer, and his common sense, to find food, water, clothes, shelter and anything else which will keep him alive while he is marooned. Surrounded by beautiful tropical reefs Ed will also have to find a way to fish for food, while making sure he doesn't meet any of the deadly sharks which inhabit the seas around the island. Will he also be able cope with the sweltering 30 °C temperatures, with no shelter or sun cream and then the freezing temperatures at night with no cover?Ed Stafford(斯塔福),英国(不列颠)人,用了超过两年的时间,实现了他的4000千米的沿亚马逊河的徒步。从2008年四月徒步起头,到2010年八月旅行结束,他成为世界上第一个从亚马逊河的源头徒步旅行到其入海口的人。非论从哪方面说,这都是惊人的成就。他的旅途从安第斯山(得翻过一些山头)起头,包孕了良多岩石裸露的地带、灌木丛和沼泽地。没人知道他经历了几多病痛,遇到几多毒蛇猛兽。Stafford(斯塔福)的目的在于让人们更多地关注热带雨林的破坏。他进展能有越来越多的人珍爱热带雨林。曾有人说亚马逊河那里曾经没有甚么秘密了,并说Ed Stafford(斯塔福)曾经不年青了,无法敷衍各类挑战。可是他最终让人们知道:在未开发的处所,总有一些工具是我们要发明的,总有一些工作是我们要做的

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