• 杀人心理

  • 状态:共21集全
  • 类型:悬疑 犯罪 推理 剧情
  • 主演:Philip Madoc Ffion Wilkins Sharon Morgan Gillian Elisa
  • 年代:1994
  • 地区:英国

简介:这是威尔士S4电视台1994年开播的一部凶案推理剧集。曾出演《最后的莫西干人》和《Doctor Who》的威尔士著名男星Philip Madoc在本剧中胜利的塑造了威尔士赞叹Noel Bavaria这一经典形象。Bavaria具有与生俱来的破案能力,他不依靠任何现代科学技术的辅佐,纯粹本能的直觉,聪明的材质,缜密的推理来破获多起重大案件。但与此同时,Bavaria也获咎了一多量黑帮恶徒,他必需珍爱自己以及瑰宝女儿的生命。整部剧集格调阴暗,画面苦楚,咱们几近找不到威尔士的田园美景。全剧以高度的真实性和演员们的隽拔表演使各大权威电视媒体将其与《窥探者》(Cracker)和《摩西督查》(Supervision of Moses)并称为英国最隽拔的犯罪心理题材系列剧。Philip Madoc played Detective Chief Inspector Noel Bain, who looks back nostalgically to the days when policing involved chasing villains, playing rugger and drinking Guinness, but has come to recognise that contemporary policing imposes dilemmas that no training manual could ever contemplate.Bain is a widower and has a tempestuous relationship with his daughter, Hannah Bain, (Fion Wilkins) who, despite resenting the lack of time her father spent with the family because of police work, becomes a WPC on the same police force. DCI Bain's close friendship with police pathologist Prof. Margaret Edwards (Sharon Morgan) remains enigmatic as he fears treading the same path that caused so many problems for his family.


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